CONTENTS (in English and/or Dutch)

Applets available on this site

Applet description Java version Size
Elliptische trilling / figuren van Lissajoux (applet tag)
Java 1.4 Virtuele Machine benodigd.
(Internet Explorer Opties: Use Java 2 v 1.4.0 for <applet>
Het kan zijn dat deze optie eerst dient te worden geïnstalleerd.)
(Netscape 7.0 heeft versie 1.4.0_01 als standaard ingebouwd.)
Elliptische trilling / figuren van Lissajoux (OBJECT and EMBED tags)
Java 1.4 Plug-in benodigd.
J2SE  32 KB
Airplane navigation (using the ordinary applet tag)
Java 1.4 Virtual Machine required.
(Internet Explorer Options: Use Java 2 v 1.4.0 for <applet>
This option may have to be installed first.)
(Netscape 7.0 has 1.4.0_01 as default version of Java installed.)
Airplane navigation (using the OBJECT and EMBED tags instead of APPLET tags)
Java 1.4 Plug-in required.

If your machine doesn't have any of these and if you're not interested in downloading a plug-in or whatever to make it run, you can look at a screenshot of the thing over here.
J2SE  28 KB
Cellular automaton
One dimensional cellular automaton.
View examples.
1.1.4  23 KB
Mohr's Circle for plane stress
Graphical description of the plane stress state in a point.
Cirkel van Mohr
Grafische voorstelling van de vlakspanningstoestand in een punt.
1.1.4  23 KB
Manipulatie van een element 1.1.4  24 KB
Wireframe (applet from SUN)
Early java coding sample without double buffering. The two models used here depict two kinds of floorslabs.
1.0.2  15 KB
Your system properties
Displays amongst others the version number of the Java system used by the browser.
1.0.2 22 KB
Encountering OBJECT, EMBED, and APPLET Tags With Different Plug-in Versions and Browsers
Java Plug-in Home Page


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